Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Bang Bang Pie

On weekends, everyone usually loves to relax. That's nothing new. My relaxation is found in a delicious meal. But before I let myself unwind for the weekend, I must stress out over finding a good brunch spot. Any true foodie knows that it's important to do a full online search of a certain place prior to actually eating there. First, we eat with our eyes. Our eyes then tell us if we will actually enjoy the food. Or maybe that's just me. Yeah, it's probably just me. Be that as it may, after what seems like 3 years, I finally find a dainty restaurant. It often ends up being one that I have been to several times in my life.

Recently, I decided to get myself together and try something new. Located in Logan Square, this tiny restaurant is almost always filled with locals lined outside the door. For warmer days there is also pleasant outdoor seating. Most might think that the place is not very tasteful, but I beg to differ. It's about the food here people! The chefs put tons of hard work into these meals and it truly shows (in my opinion). The indoor part of this little place is filled with scents from the kitchen which you can notice right when you step in. You immediately notice that those working there are trying to prepare an order as fast and properly as they can. 

I managed to get here the minute they opened, yet there was already a line outside. That really says something about a place. Especially if you know they're not all tourists. Then, you're at the right place. 

Here we have my dad's breakfast. I promise I go to brunch with other people too. This is the incredibly appealing Farmer's biscuit. In it you see hummus, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, and an herb salad. Although I did not take a bite out of it in real life, I think I may have bitten my camera after I took the photo.

This right here is my little brunch. It's the Scratch Biscuit along with some butter and jam. It may not seem like much, but it was truly filling. I have never had such a good biscuit. This is some real magic. I may be a health freak most of the time, but a cheat day is always necessary. I mean, how can it not be when this beauty exists?

Pictured here are both meals

We may or may not have also ordered the Blueberry Cobbler. It was just sitting there in the front of the restaurant as we ordered. How can you say no to that? And for all you gluten free people, this ones for you! 

 I'm a fan of anything artistic. Putting stickers on things is art. Chief Keef stickers are art. Enough said.

I also wore clothes. Nothing special. 
 Sunglasses: Urban Outfitters (similar here)

 Bralette: Brandy Melville
Shorts: Levi's


1 comment

  1. Looks delicious, I love your blog! So I wanted to nominate you for versatile blogger award!



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